Free Resource Treasure Trove

From study checklists to tables, and practical tips, these resources are designed to help you grow your neuro expertise and confidence.

I'm all about sharing study tools, tips, and strategies—and I deliver on that promise! Here's your chance to grab my top resources for FREE. Simply click on a resource (or a few!) below, sign up, and it'll land in your inbox, ready for you to dive in!

Neurologic Physical Therapy

i want this download!

Here I list several reflective questions to help you plan the best intervention for your patient with neuro condition.

brain changing interventions

i want this download!

This is perfect for someone who wants to start being a pro at performing neuro PT evaluations!

neuro pt eval

i want this download!

This is a signature freebie! I studied the ABPTS and the DSP and added the diagnosis on a checklist!

ncs success checklist

coming soon

Several ideas I've used or learned over the years! Coming soon

optimal theory
ideas freebie

download this table!

The Incomplete SCI Syndrome Pocket Guide is here!

incomplete sci

get me the notes!

I created these notes during my own prep based on the typical prep programs out there.

my handwritten ncs notes

just added!

coming soon!

Must-Know Resources for Your 
Neuro PT Journey!

 My top 5 tools for aspiring neuro pt


just added!

— Alicia G.

"Lily brings the teaching magic every time. Her lessons are carefully crafted to connect the learning to quality patient rehabilitation"

( & Article Shelf)

What's On My Bookshelf

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The Brain PT Course Suite!

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The Brain PT Course Suite!

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